Today is fantastic..... or superlative (a better word). Went to the coffee shop first thing in the morning (drink of the day= iced coffee w/milk... simplicity), with a very enjoyable person. Which means that I was able to converse with him on the topic of the difference of playing the violin and the piano, and why I prefer the Baroque period over the Classic, without him getting bored. Bonus was..... he was actually able to participate in the conversation, and give me his own input on the matter (which I happened to agree with... shocking).
It is quite nice to have someone, besides my teacher, to talk to about things of this nature--It always feels good to be duplicated. Speaking of my teacher, I found more articles on L.A. Opera's version of of Wagner's "Ring" cycle to take to him, a version we both find to be quite "interesting" (yes, it is in quotation marks for a reason). We can be snobby together! Honesty is a virtue....
The rest of today will be devoted to violin practice and piano practice, and then to my many, many essays. I am actually kind of excited about the newing bowing techniques my teacher assigned. As for piano, all the notes have been learned, and it is now a matter of repetition. I'm only going to focus on this one piece until finals end. Then I will finish mastering the 2nd movement of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" (really "Fantasia", which is what Beethoven intended to call it. "Moonlight," was much too romantic of a title for the grumpy man).
Today's playlist:
1. Lloyd, I'm Ready to Be Heartbroken by Camera Obscura
(There is actually organ and strings being utilized in this song. I feel as if I should be disgusted by this, such sophisticated instruments being used for a pop piece. But besides what my mind is telling me, I find this song charming. My intellect will have to rule later.)
2. Fools by The Dodos
(The singers voice is something to listen to, has an interesting quality. The repetition kind of reminds me of a basso continuo.)
3. Wrapped In Piano Strings by Radical Face
(Lyrics= superlative, instrumental use= amazing, and the title is obviously of good merit.)
4. TAM by The Spires
(Like the indie quality, like the way the singers sings, is good when one is in a mindless mood).
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