Friday, October 22, 2010

Blah blah blah blah

My cat keeps bringing me socks, which I think in her mind are mice. Either way, they seem to be gifts of love. Maybe she knows I'm more stressed than usual. I'm not allowed to take my brace off yet, as apparently my wrist is not fully healed. This limits the songs I am able to play at the moment, because well, I can't really play chords with a brace on. And my teacher has decided I need play super easy pieces, so as to not strain my wrist. Now I am on the search for a piece that is easy, but doesn't sound annoying, for my next recital. Oh, what an annoying search. I think I have decided on "Melody" by Schumann. A step down, but at least it's not "Play a Chord."

I have been off the violin now for over a month. I miss it very much. I was just starting to get good, which in my opinion "getting good" is a big step on the violin. I hope I don't fall behind. If I do, I'll just have to work extra hard to catch up again.

Also, what the is going on with Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King,"? Sugarplum Fairies much???? Just, why copy that theme?????

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oh Life...

First off, road trip was awesome. Secondly, so much has changed. Third of all, what now? I'm not sure. Not totally at least. My right hand is in a brace, and even though I know that I'll be back to music in a couple of weeks I feel as if I have been stopped on my life's purpose. Dramatic? Of course. I'm good at that. :D

School is good, I'm just not in the groove. Oh, the vocabulary is disappointing me tonight... just stay with me. Tomorrow is my Western Civ. II midterm. Not excited. I hate midterms. It's like the final, but without the relief that it's your last test for the semester.

This semester is interesting. Less classes, more friends, plus a new job, and then of course even more friend. I think I'm being social.


I am also now off of coffee, and chocolate. If I can give them up, so can you. Well, I have the motivation of healing my arm to back that decision up.

Tonight's playlist:

1. Chewing Bottles by Radical Face
2. Glamorous Glowing by Cast Spells
3. Runaway by The National
4. Normandie by The Shout Out Louds

Now go listen and be amazed!