Monday, January 3, 2011

Songs of the day...

1. Wandering by Radical Face

2. Lemondworld by The National

3. Die Young by Blair

4. Peach, Plum, Pear by Joanna Newsom

Sunday, January 2, 2011

On Vacation...

Went to Mississippi, and now in Florida. I love visiting my family. I do not love staying in a house for almost 100% of the time. I miss buildings. I saw them from a distance when driving from Mississippi to Florida. I need them.

Oh yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

On a good note, I went to a bookstore today. Just as good as big buildings. The only thing better is a REALLY big bookstore. I was going to get a book on the history of Soviet Union, but I went for a music magazine and then decided to go with something from fiction genre. It's a novel based on a true story involving Stalin.....

It's a good read. So Far. End of story.

I miss Los Angeles. I miss my computer, I haven't made a playlist in weeks. I miss Whole Foods. I want strong espresso. I'm a snob. But I don't judge those who aren't, so don't judge me for being that way.

I miss class. Okay, I'm a major nerd too.

I miss my piano. The most.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

End of Semester

This morning I've been staring at my breakfast for quite some time. It's an innocent enough looking yogurt, but it's all natural and only lightly sweetened with agave nectar. Not to mention it's packed full of live cultures, and has 16 grams of protein per serving. It is disgusting. But I have to eat one every morning. I hope it is well worth it.

On another note, I discovered that the record player at my house does in fact work, for some reason I was led to believe otherwise... And today I found my mom's old records. I was highly surprised to find that she has more Bach records that I have Bach CDs. These, among others, I will have to explore. I think I'll be moving the record player to my room after she leaves. As of now, we will have to share it. I've actually been trying to change my room a good bit.

I've been trying to change everything a good bit. I am determined to work out a schedule in which I can fit everything in, or at least 80 percent of it. This would be a feat considering everything I have to accomplish.

But the break will be a nice time to recollect. I will be studying some over the break. I plan on working on my music theory, as well as reading one of Copeland's books on music, and a book on biology. I think reading about biology is the most important, as I have never actually tested my strengths in science. I can't risk doing bad in my science classes, and would like to take them with honors if possible.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thought 1

It's interesting being the "new kid." At first everyone is excited to meet you, and then after the initial curiosity fades, it seems that one really cares; the curiosity was superficial and they didn't really lose focus on their selves.

Actually, it's just odd how disconnected people can make themselves from anyone.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blah blah blah blah

My cat keeps bringing me socks, which I think in her mind are mice. Either way, they seem to be gifts of love. Maybe she knows I'm more stressed than usual. I'm not allowed to take my brace off yet, as apparently my wrist is not fully healed. This limits the songs I am able to play at the moment, because well, I can't really play chords with a brace on. And my teacher has decided I need play super easy pieces, so as to not strain my wrist. Now I am on the search for a piece that is easy, but doesn't sound annoying, for my next recital. Oh, what an annoying search. I think I have decided on "Melody" by Schumann. A step down, but at least it's not "Play a Chord."

I have been off the violin now for over a month. I miss it very much. I was just starting to get good, which in my opinion "getting good" is a big step on the violin. I hope I don't fall behind. If I do, I'll just have to work extra hard to catch up again.

Also, what the is going on with Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King,"? Sugarplum Fairies much???? Just, why copy that theme?????

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oh Life...

First off, road trip was awesome. Secondly, so much has changed. Third of all, what now? I'm not sure. Not totally at least. My right hand is in a brace, and even though I know that I'll be back to music in a couple of weeks I feel as if I have been stopped on my life's purpose. Dramatic? Of course. I'm good at that. :D

School is good, I'm just not in the groove. Oh, the vocabulary is disappointing me tonight... just stay with me. Tomorrow is my Western Civ. II midterm. Not excited. I hate midterms. It's like the final, but without the relief that it's your last test for the semester.

This semester is interesting. Less classes, more friends, plus a new job, and then of course even more friend. I think I'm being social.


I am also now off of coffee, and chocolate. If I can give them up, so can you. Well, I have the motivation of healing my arm to back that decision up.

Tonight's playlist:

1. Chewing Bottles by Radical Face
2. Glamorous Glowing by Cast Spells
3. Runaway by The National
4. Normandie by The Shout Out Louds

Now go listen and be amazed!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's Been Awhile: An Update

So... I have been gone for awhile. Things have happened. In this order: 1. Found out my aunt had cancer (for lack of a better word, this is BAD). 2. Found out I was going on a road trip with my sister, and then visiting family, will be gone for three weeks (excited, but also upset about missing music lessons). 3. Found out I made the President's Honor list, which surprised me slightly, not because of my grade point average, which is perfect, but because I thought I had to wait another semester to get on the list. So that brightened my attitude a little. 4. My friend died. This put me in the worst mood I've been in, in a long time. So with all the excitement, and bad news, I haven't really felt up to blogging. My mind has been distracted to say the least. But now I feel like talking, and blogging is an easy substitute.

I miss my teachers more than someone normally should. I miss going to the classical, serious, music shows. I feel out of my element. I miss the rush of finishing an particularly hard essay, or an easy one for that matter. I've stayed in touch with some of my friends from college, but I have found they are not that "academic" when away from college. I think I've reached a new level of snobby.

I've devoted all my time to music practice (which today is lacking because I bruised my wrist), SAT prep, and reading Atlas Shrugged (which I've decided is on my "Top Five Books" list). The thought of the SAT, and the two SAT subject tests I have to take, is unnerving me a bit. I know I will do fine on all three tests, but anxiety often fails to reason with knowledge. Moreover, I don't know what I'll do if I don't get excepted to the Universities I want to transfer too. My life is academia.

The music part of all this seems to be going fairly well. I am making good progress on my pieces. My performance on the violin is better, to my own ear and to others. My piano playing is also better, but I am more bothered by it because this is the instrument which I will audition on for transferring purposes. I have been getting quite friendly with my metronome, which I have always hated... with a passion. I no longer fight with it, and I am progressively getting better at listening to it and concentrating on my fingering at the same time. Though, the other night I had one of those moments where you're not sure whether your hearing the notes and the ticking of the metronome at the same time or not--a completely "zoned out" moment so to speak. For the record, it was time to go to bed.

I also have a list of things I need to do at the college once the semester starts, such as start the music club, join the honors program, join the honors society, and see a transfer councilor. All of this can be more time consuming that needed.

I wish I could invent time.