Monday, January 3, 2011

Songs of the day...

1. Wandering by Radical Face

2. Lemondworld by The National

3. Die Young by Blair

4. Peach, Plum, Pear by Joanna Newsom

Sunday, January 2, 2011

On Vacation...

Went to Mississippi, and now in Florida. I love visiting my family. I do not love staying in a house for almost 100% of the time. I miss buildings. I saw them from a distance when driving from Mississippi to Florida. I need them.

Oh yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

On a good note, I went to a bookstore today. Just as good as big buildings. The only thing better is a REALLY big bookstore. I was going to get a book on the history of Soviet Union, but I went for a music magazine and then decided to go with something from fiction genre. It's a novel based on a true story involving Stalin.....

It's a good read. So Far. End of story.

I miss Los Angeles. I miss my computer, I haven't made a playlist in weeks. I miss Whole Foods. I want strong espresso. I'm a snob. But I don't judge those who aren't, so don't judge me for being that way.

I miss class. Okay, I'm a major nerd too.

I miss my piano. The most.