Thursday, June 3, 2010

Busy Schedule, Busy Mind

First off, I have finished my first final. Math= demolished. I finished the test an hour early, and so did the problems again, and then figured out different ways to do them.... and then figured out different ways to prove them. I still left early... happy and relieved! My professor could have designed the test so that everyone would fail.

A funny thing that happened, is I finally talked to this other student who I had noticed the whole semester. He was quiet throughout the whole semester, but was always taking notes or working out problems that the teacher had put up on the board. Turns out he is a very smart 16 year old that can carry on a conversation than most people, which I didn't totally expect. It's nice to talk to intelligent people. :)

I'm about ready for this semester to be over. I will miss my teachers a lot (who else is going to listen to my, as my sister calls it,"geek talk"?), but I'm so physically exhausted. I'll still be busy with all my essay competitions and music lessons when the finals are finally over, but I'll probably have more time to focus on the needs of my body, instead of just the needs of my brain.

Much more going on, but just too tired to write it.

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