Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Finals= Over, Life= Still Busy

Finals officially ended on Monday night. I went straight from my English final to my piano final (I was still contemplating Ayn Rand while performing my Bach minuet). So glad finals are over, and that I have a break from school. I really do believe I needed one; I was starting to write essays in my dreams (none of which helped me with my schoolwork though, they were mostly compare and contrasts on fruit of all things). And I feel as I am having a "finals" hangover. Is such a thing possible? Thinking powers are low, I am physically exhausted, and want to sit in the bookstore all day reading superfluous things. I don't feel as I am free yet, I don't feel as if any restrictions have been lifted. Maybe this is because I have a lot I have to accomplish over the summer. I am still glad to be away from the classroom for a little bit. However, I miss my teachers, and I will probably want to be back in the class room within three weeks.

Now, I am focusing more on my piano and violin. Oh, and there are essay competitions to be attended to, and some photography to have fun with. Did I mention how much I missed my creative writing? Lots of things to do still, but I get to create my schedule, and there will be no test anxiety! I will not conduct myself by the judgment of others, I am the only one to judge my work.

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